Constructora Bolivar achieved close to 100% concrete adhesion for the concrete of all its projects using our Glasst Prime release agent.

Constructora Bolivar codified and approved our Glasst Prime concrete release agent as the only release agent authorized to use in all its projects. The company noted an adherence close to 100% with the use of our innovative product.  This achievement allowed Constructora Bolivar to be the first in the country to achieve EDGE Champion [...]

By |2022-09-26T02:56:56+00:00September 26th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

Architectural quality: a trend of integral and future-oriented urban development.

Architecture shapes our lives. The quality of relations, culture, spaces, and physical and mental health of city dwellers depend directly on architecture. It is, above all, a direct expression of our history as a society, our aspirations for the future and our current ways of life. That is why we should understand Architecture is [...]

By |2022-07-18T15:05:32+00:00July 18th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

Chemical classification and labeling standards and regulations, a bet on consumer health protection

There are more than 190 million chemical substances in the world with which we are constantly in contact. Of these, more than 5,000 are used industrially on a global scale and not all of them are safe for human health. These substances are present in virtually every industry, ranging from agriculture, food additives, medicine, [...]

By |2022-04-21T16:33:00+00:00April 21st, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

Why discard a scratched glass if Glasst is the right choice? Here’s how:

Glass production is a very polluting activity that affects the environment. It is mainly the result of three key factors in glass production: atmospheric emissions, wastewater pollution and poor solid waste disposal. Regarding emissions, these are the most polluting factors associated with glass production. Glass is manufactured at high temperatures in furnaces that release [...]

By |2022-03-28T20:28:03+00:00March 28th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

We teach you how to choose and use the best Glasst Concrete Release Agent for your project

Concrete formwork release agents are chemicals used in construction projects to prevent concrete from adhering to formworks: molds used in construction where concrete is poured to create structural blocks. This protection is key to obtaining better concrete finishes visible in certain structures. In addition, they contribute to color protection as well as to the [...]

By |2022-03-17T13:48:33+00:00March 17th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

U.S Plastics Pact: a cross-cutting initiative to eliminate single-use plastics from industry

By 2050, oceans may have more plastic than fish if we don't change the business relationship we currently have with this material globally. Single-use plastics are present in virtually every industry. We make constant use of this highly polluting material in marketing, construction, energy, health, entertainment and even in technology. This situation is worsened [...]

By |2022-02-24T21:32:07+00:00February 24th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comments

An environmentally friendly surface protector that is also easy on the wallet

Striking a balance between project profitability and sustainability is entirely possible. We are going to tell you about one of our most innovative Glasst products that in addition to being an ecological protector, it can help you save time on your projects and score points for sustainable certifications. New materials for a sustainable [...]

By |2021-10-14T17:34:10+00:00October 23rd, 2021|Sin categoría|0 Comments

5 Surface protection innovations implementing high technology

Surface protection is a substantial issue when planning any construction. Materials and techniques have been created that, in addition to taking care of surfaces, also take into account the environment and project cost reduction. From protecting a structure over time from severe weather and pollution to maintaining the quality and reliability of construction site [...]

By |2021-10-14T17:12:15+00:00October 19th, 2021|Sin categoría|0 Comments

Glasst bets on the fifth industrial revolution

Fifth industrial revolution, did you think you read it wrong? No, the world has evolved rapidly and great milestones have marked history. Far ahead from the steam engine, the invention of electricity, automated production, digitization and now, a fifth industrial revolution is born even when the fourth is still in force, coming loaded with [...]

By |2021-05-21T15:53:46+00:00May 18th, 2021|Sin categoría|0 Comments
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